Claire Savage to lead us in worship. Claire is the co-
ordinator of the Central Ottawa Cluster’s Outreach Program wherein six United Churches in central Ottawa work together to support the needs of our community. Claire is also a candidate for the Ministry.
Our scripture reading this week comes from John 2: 13-22 (Jesus cleansing the temple).
James Caswell, our minister of music, and members of the choir, Karen Walker, Susan Palmai and Jim Louter will lead us in music.
The livestream at the YouTube link below starts at around 10:20 am (announcements) for the 10:30 am Sunday service; During the livestream using the link below, you'll be prompted to click through to watch the video right on YouTube. If you're watching the service video at a later time, it should play in the video player below.
After the service join us for our Zoom coffee hour, at 1pm (details in e-update and the service bulletin linked above).