Our office administrator is the central hub of information at GSJ! Contact the office to find out what's going on or who to best to get in touch with on a specific matter.
Our friendly callers - a team of volunteers from the congreagtion - touch bases from time to time with everyone in the GSJ community either by phone or email. Sign up by getting in contact with the office!
Volunteering at Glebe-St. James can take all shapes and size. Here are just three ways:
And there are so many more options! Property, finance, accessibility, pastoral care, christian education, reconcilliation - there are many gifts and talents that go into making a community of faith. To find out more, contact the church office - our office admin can help connect you to someone working in your area of interest!
When making a financial donation through Glebe St. James, you can either make a general donation to life and work of Glebe St. James, or specify that funds should go to a specific program or initiative such as to one of our outreach partners or to the Mission and Service Fund of the United Church of Canada. All the details on the logistics of *how* to donate are found here.
Yes! Glebe-St. James is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency (# 118939529RR0001). Make sure your address is included with your donation, in order to receive your tax receipt.
Pre-Authorized Remittance, or PAR, allows you to support your church through an automatic monthly withdrawal from your bank account.
GSJ administers the program following the giver’s wishes—for example, you might give X amount for local church expenses, Y amount for Mission & Service, and yet another amount for a specified purpose (such as the organ renwal project, response to a specific fundraising call, or directly to one part of church activities, such as outreach).
You can mail the following form and a void cheque to the church office to get started! The form is available here. You can find out a bit more about the program in this United Church brochure on the topic.
Go into your on-line banking. Add a new payee (or select Glebe-St. James if we are already there). Use the e-mail address: [email protected]. In the message or details text section, specify which category you wish to support . For example "Refugee Sponsorship" or "operating fund" or "organ fund".
The yellow donate icon below lets us accept donations through PayPal or by your credit card.
For the credit card option, you will need to enter your credit card informtion in the appropriate boxes and don't forget to indicate the category you wish to support (look for the grey 'pen' icon).
For the PayPal option, you don't need to have a Pay Pal account to do this. On the PayPal web site you will be asked to specify where your donation is to go, i.e. Operating Fund, Building Fund, Mission and Service, Refugee Sponsorship, Local Outreach, etc. If you don't specify where your donation is to go, it will go into the Operating Fund. (note this is a very small grey icon. See "how can I communicate where my online donation is going?"
PayPal will also ask you for your address so that we can provide a donation receipt for tax purposes at tax time. If you woudl like to donate via this method, perhaps consider increasing your donation to cover the PayPal service charge: PayPal charges us 1.6% plus $0.30 per transaction (for example, your $100 donation will net the church $98.10).
When using the donate button below, Look for the gray pencil symbol on the PayPal web page and click on it to add a message regarding how the donation is to be allocated.
Cheque should be made payable to Glebe-St. James United Church. You can specify where to direct the funds in the memo line (e.g. operating budget, outreach, a specific project or mission & service). Drop the cheque through the Glebe-St. James United Church Lyon Street door mail slot, bring it for the collection plate on Sunday mornings, or mail it to Glebe-St. James United Church.
Cash can be left with the church office, deposted in the offering plate on Sunday mornings, or placed in an envelope through the mail slot.
Most certainly! If you have a specific service in mind, please contact our Church Administrator to start a conversation. Ask about our home services Guild!
Non-perishable food donations for the Centertown Emergency Food Center are collected in a basket outside the church office!
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Glebe-St. James