
Sunday Ministries

Sundays are the days chosen by many Christian denominations to set aside as Sabbath:
 a day where the pattern and pace of life are a bit different from the ordinary.

Many contribute to making Sunday's a special time of week in the life of GSJ. Some of these contributions are visible to congregants on a Sunday, while others are behind-the-scenes to help everything run smoothly. You can see the shape of a typical Sunday listed here or get some answers to some Sunday FAQs you might have. Join us remotely either the day of a service, or dig back into our service archive for more! 

Worship Online: This Weeks Service

March 8, 2025
Either in person or on-line, be welcomed among us as we gather and for International Women's Day and the First Sunday in Lent

An Archive of Our Worship Services

March 2, 2025
Either in person or on-line, be welcomed among us as we gather and celebrate Transfiguration Sunday
February 23, 2025
Either in person or on-line, be welcomed among us as we gather and reflect on the seventh Sunday of Epiphany
February 14, 2025
Due to the weather, the service tomorrow (Feb 16) is cancelled.
February 7, 2025
This is the fifth Sunday in the season of Lent; join us as we celebrate Black History. You can come in person or join our livestream at 10:30.
January 31, 2025
This Sunday is the fourth Sunday of Epiphany - join us in person or on-line as you are able starting around 10:30 am
January 24, 2025
We would be pleased if you would join us, either in person or on-line, for the Third Sunday of Epiphany. The service starts at 10:30 am.
January 19, 2025
We would be pleased if you would join us, either in person or on-line, for the Second Sunday of Epiphany. The service starts at 10:30 am.
January 12, 2025
Welcome visitors from Emmanuel, Rideau Park, Riverside, and Southminster!
January 5, 2025
Join us for the first Sunday of 2025!
December 29, 2024
Join us for the first Sunday of Christmas - come let us sing!
Show More Archived Services

Sunday Worship, May 10th 
A Virtual Happening

Just because we cannot worship in person doesn't mean that we can’t worship! 

Fifth Sunday of Easter Scripture Readings 
Anniversary Sunday
Christian Family Sunday
Mother’s Day
Acts 7:55-60; Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16; 1 Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-4 
This Sunday we are pleased to welcome Stephanie Langill wearing the hat of licensed lay worship leader, 
leading today's service with guest preacher Rev.Whitman Strong. 
Whit – the name he generally uses – grew up in our community of faith and became a 
candidate for ministry from Glebe-St. James. Both his mother, Florence, and his father, George, 
were also involved in ministry. He is now the Regional Minister for Pastoral Relations 
in the Eastern Ontario and Outaouais Region of the United Church. 

The service video is posted below, including the words to the hymns and songs. 
Follow along with readings, prayers and the reflection during the service in the bulletin,  
and double check on any of announcements slides, found here
Interested in making a donation to the virtual offering plate? 
See our a guide to "Donating at a Distance" below.

Though we are physically apart, let us bring our hearts, minds and spirits together in worship!

GSJ Sunday Worship, May 10th
 Donating at a Distance
To make an "at a distance" donation to Glebe-St. James (to the operating fund, to outreach, to M&S, etc.) or specifically our ongoing COVID-19 outreach fund, you have several options: the web donation button, by mail, by setting up PAR (pre-authorized remittance) or by using the mail-slot on the 650 Lyon Street South entrance door. In each case, you can specify where you would like the funds to be directed!
 See more on the "Donate" section of our "How can I Help?" page. 

Sunday Worship, May 3rd 
A Virtual Happening

Just because we cannot worship in person doesn't mean that we can’t worship! 

Fourth Sunday of Easter Scripture Readings 
Acts 2:42-47; Psalm 23; I Peter 2:19-25; John 10:1-10

We will once again welcome Nancy Huggett, one our our Licensed Lay Worship Leaders 
to lead us in worship this week, as Rev. Teresa's sabbatical continues. 

You will find the service video below; it includes the words to the hymns and songs. 
This bulletin will help you follow along with readings, prayers and the reflection 
during the service, and you can double-check the announcement slides here
Interested in making a donation to the virtual offering plate? 
See our a guide to "Donating at a Distance" below.

 Though we are physically apart, let us bring our hearts, minds and spirits together in worship!

GSJ Sunday, May 3rd Worship Service
 Donating at a Distance
To make an "at a distance" donation to Glebe-St. James (to the operating fund, to outreach, to M&S, etc.) or specifically our ongoing COVID-19 outreach fund, you have several options: the web donation button, by mail, by setting up PAR (pre-authorized remittance) or by using the mail-slot on the 650 Lyon Street South entrance door. In each case, you can specify where you would like the funds to be directed!
 See more on the "Donate" section of our "How can I Help?" page. 
We hope you were able to glean something meaningful with you from today's service to take with you into the week ahead. Don't forget the Virtual Coffee Hour today (May 3rd) at 1pm - check the bulletin for details!
You can also watch services from previous weeks on our Sunday's page.

Sunday Worship, April 26th 
A Virtual Happening

Just because we cannot worship in person doesn't mean that we can’t worship! 

Third Sunday of Easter Scripture Readings 
Acts 2:14a, 36-41; Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19; I Peter 1:17-23; Luke 24:13-35

We will once again welcome Nancy Huggett, one our our Licensed Lay Worship Leaders 
to lead us in worship this week, as Rev. Teresa's sabbatical continues. 

You will find the service video below; it includes the words to the hymns and songs. 
This bulletin will help you follow along with readings, prayers and the reflection 
during the service, and you can double-check the announcement slides here

Interested in making a donation to the virtual offering plate? 
See our a guide to "Donating at a Distance." 

 Though we are physically apart, let us bring our hearts, minds and spirits together in worship!

GSJ Sunday, April 26th Worship Service
 Donating at a Distance
To make an "at a distance" donation to Glebe-St. James (to the operating fund, to outreach, to M&S, etc.) or specifically our ongoing COVID-19 outreach fund, you have several options: the web donation button, by mail, by setting up PAR (pre-authorized remittance) or by using the mail-slot on the 650 Lyon Street South entrance door. In each case, you can specify where you would like the funds to be directed!
 See more on the "Donate" section of our "How can I Help?" page. 
We hope you were able to take something meaningful with you from today's service. 
You can also watch services from previous weeks on our Sunday's page.

Sunday Worship, April 19th 
A Virtual Happening

Just because we cannot worship in person doesn't mean that we can’t worship! 

Second Sunday of Easter Scripture Readings 
Acts 2:14a, 22-32; Psalm 16; I Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31

We welcome Nancy Huggett, one our our Licensed Lay Worship Leaders, 
who will be leading us in worship this week, as Rev. Teresa's sabbatical begins. 

This week we have two videos: you will find the words of hymns included in the first - our service video - and you can follow along with texts here in the bulletinThe second video below contains this week's "Minute for Mission." If you'd like to take a closer look at Jim's announcement slides from this, or previous weeks, you can find them here

Interested in making a donation to the virtual offering plate? 
See our a guide to "Donating at a Distance.

 Though we are physically apart, let us bring our hearts, minds and spirits together in worship!

GSJ Sunday Worship, April 19th

April 19th "Minute for Mission"
For this week’s Minute for Mission, we highlight the Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI). 
Glebe-St. James a member of MHI. It is made up of a coalition of faith groups, local businesses, 
community groups and all levels of government - all working to provide at-risk people with safe 
and secure housing. Currently, MHI owns and manages 139 units that house between 300 to 400 people.

MHI is in the midst of constructing Veteran’s House, community housing for homeless veterans. 
When completed, it will house 40 veterans and offer mental health and addiction services. 
MHI still needs to come up with another $2.5 million to finish funding the project.

MHI does not qualify for the COVID-19 support programs put in place by different levels of government.

One of their annual fundraising events is the Tulipathon walk. This year’s walk will be a virtual 
Tulipathon, where people are asked to do the walk on their own, respecting social distancing orders. 
You can support the Tulipathon by donating on the MHI’s website. 

It is worth noting that some of Glebe-St. James' outreach partners work together to help people at 
risk of losing their housing. For example, some people living in MHI units are also supported by the 
Ottawa Mennonite Refugee Association. Glebe-St. James supports the OMRA through grocery card sales.
 Donating at a Distance
To make an "at a distance" donation to Glebe-St. James (to the operating fund, to outreach, to M&S, etc.) or specifically our ongoing COVID-19 outreach fund, you have several options: the web donation button, by mail, by setting up PAR (pre-authorized remittance) or by using the mail-slot on the 650 Lyon Street South entrance door. In each case, you can specify where you would like the funds to be directed!
 See more on the "Donate" section of our "How can I Help?" page. 
We hope you found some sense of connectedness by joining our virtual worship! You can also view 
the recordings of our recent services, including Holy week services for 
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and, of course, Easter Sunday our Sunday's page

Easter Sunday, April 12th 
A Virtual Happening

Just because we cannot worship in person doesn't mean that we can’t worship! 

Easter Sunday Scripture Readings 
Acts 10:34-43 or Jeremiah 31:1-6; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24;
Colossians 3:1-4; John 20:1-18 or Matthew 28:1-10

You will find the words of hymns are included in the service video below, 
and you can follow along with texts here in the bulletin

Remember that we will be celebrating Communion during our Easter online worship service; 
you are invited to have ready a beverage and a piece of bread/cracker to join in the celebration. 

Interested in making a donation to the virtual offering plate? See our a guide to "Donating at a Distance." And if you need to double check any of Jim's announcement slides, they can be found here

 Though we are physically apart, let us bring our hearts, minds and spirits together in worship!

GSJ Holy Week Worship, Easter Sunday - April 12th
You can also view the recordings of our recent services,
 including Maundy Thursday and Good Friday on our Sunday's page
 Donating at a Distance
To make an "at a distance" donation to Glebe-St. James (to the operating fund, to outreach, to M&S, etc.) or specifically our ongoing COVID-19 outreach fund, you have several options: the web donation button, by mail, by setting up PAR (pre-authorized remittance) or by using the mail-slot on the 650 Lyon Street South entrance door. In each case, you can specify where you would like the funds to be directed!
 See more on the "Donate" section of our "How can I Help?" page. 

Good Friday, April 10th 
A Virtual Happening

Just because we cannot worship in person doesn't mean that we can’t worship! 

Good Friday Scripture Readings 
Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12; Psalm 22; Hebrews 10:16-25 or 4:14-16, 5:7-9; John 18:1 – 19:42

You will find the words of hymns are included in the service video below, 
and you can follow along with texts here in the bulletin
See also a guide below to "Donating at a Distance

 Though we are physically apart, let us bring our hearts, minds and spirits together in worship!

GSJ Holy Week Worship, Good Friday - April 10th
You can also view the recordings of our recent services, including Maundy Thursday on our Sunday's page

Joining us for Easter Sunday?
On Easter Sunday we will be celebrating Communion during our online worship service. In order to be prepared we invite you to bring a beverage and a piece of bread/cracker that you can consume during the Rite of Communion
 Donating at a Distance
To make an "at a distance" donation to Glebe-St. James (to the operating fund, to outreach, to M&S, etc.) or specifically our ongoing COVID-19 outreach fund, you have several options: the web donation button, by mail, by setting up PAR (pre-authorized remittance) or by using the mail-slot on the 650 Lyon Street South entrance door. In each case, you can specify where you would like the funds to be directed!
 See more on the "Donate" section of our "How can I Help?" page. 

Maundy Thursday, April 9th 
A Virtual Happening

Just because we cannot worship in person doesn't mean that we can’t worship! 

Maundy Thursday Scripture Readings 
Exodus 12:1-4, (5-10), 11-14; Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19; I Corinthians 11:23-26; John 13:1-17, 31b-35

You will find the words of hymns are included in the service video below, 
and you can follow along with texts here in the bulletin

 Though we are physically apart, let us bring our hearts, minds and spirits together in worship!

GSJ Holy Week Worship, Maundy Thursday - April 9th
You can also view the recordings of our recent services on our Sunday's page

Palm Sunday, April 5th 
A Virtual Happening

Just because we cannot worship in person doesn't mean that we can’t worship! 

In preparation for of Palm Sunday celebrations, Jennifer Reid, our intrepid administrator, 
sent out ideas to make your own Palm at home:

You will find the words of hymns are included in the main service video, and you can follow along with the reading and sermon texts here in the bulletin. This week, children's time has been embedded into the service, but scroll down below for a second video, highlighting our M&S "Minute for Mission". See also a guide to "Donating at a Distance," and a note about our 1pm Zoom Town hall.  Jim's announcement slides can be found here. 

 Though we are physically apart, let us bring our hearts, minds and spirits together in worship!

GSJ Sunday Worship, Palm Sunday - April 5th

Minute for Mission - April 5th
 This week's minute for Mission focuses on the Downtown Mission in Windsor, which remains open to during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing food and shelter to the city’s most vulnerable. They have put measures in place to promote physical distancing and are reviewing how to help their population with self-isolation needs. Financial donations are of great importance right now to ensure continued staffing and to adapt to possible self-isolation requirements in the shelter. "This pandemic has shined a huge light on the necessity for housing for folks," executive director Rev. Ron Dunn told CBC News.  "These are people like us who deserve the right to be in isolation. They deserve the same things that we have, which is a home to go to honour what the law says- which is stay separate.” 

Click here to read the full minute for mission, and see details about making donations during this time here
 Donating at a Distance
To make an "at a distance" donation to Glebe-St. James (to the operating fund, to outreach, to M&S, etc.) or specifically our ongoing COVID-19 outreach fund, you have several options: the web donation button, by mail, by setting up PAR (pre-authorized remittance) or by using the mail-slot on the 650 Lyon Street South entrance door. In each case, you can specify where you would like the funds to be directed!
 See more on the "Donate" section of our "How can I Help?" page. 

Sunday, March 29nd Worship
A Virtual Happening

Just because we cannot worship in person does not mean we can’t worship! 

This week we have several videos to share! The main service is found in the first video, while Stephanie has included something special for the children (the second video), as well as a guided prayer and meditation (the third video).

 As with last week, the words of hymns are included in the video, and you can follow along with texts in the bulletin. Jim's announcement slides are available for your reference; past announcements are also available here
Though we are physically apart, let us bring our hearts, minds and spirits together in worship!

Sunday Worship, March 29th, 2020
Time with the Children 
"A Vision of Bones Come Alive" from Feasting on the Word by Carol A. Wehrheim.
A Guided Prayer and Meditation for Psalm 130. 
Haven't tried guided prayer? All are welcome. Give it a try!
Thank-you for joining us in worship! 
To make a donation to Glebe-St. James or our ongoing COVID-19 outreach fund
either use the web donation button or by using the mail-slot on the 650 Lyon Street South entrance door.

Sunday, March 22nd Worship - A Virtual Happening

Just because we cannot worship in person does not mean we can’t worship! 
Though we are physically apart, let us bring our hearts, minds and spirits together. 

The words of hymns are included in the video below, and you can follow along with texts in the bulletin.
To take a closer look at any of Jim's announcement slides, you'll find them posted here. 

Sunday, March 15th from a distance! 

If you were at home on Sunday, or otherwise missed the service, we tried our hand at recording! 
You can watch the full service in video form below. 
Highlights include Teresa's message shining a spotlight on the P.I.E. initiative of Affirm United and why its important that we are an Affirming Congregation, Jim Richardson's Minute for Mission focus on Rendezvous 2020, coming up in August 2020, and the Choir's rendition of the Medical Mission Sister's "Joy is like the Rain". The service also started with Board Chair David Brown outlining the status of COVID-19 for GSJ. Prayers of the people included ideas of how to come together as a community during the pandemic. If you'd like to take a closer look at Jim's Announcement slides, you can find them linked here. 

Note: We are all works in progress, and so is this Website! Some content is still being built by GStJ volunteers. 
If some links aren't live yet and you'd like to know more, please reach out and contact us for more information.

Find out more about the programs and ministries happening on Sunday's at Glebe-St. James. 

Note: We are all works in progress, and so is this website! Some content is still being built by GStJ volunteers. If some links aren't live yet and you'd like to know more, please reach out and contact us for more information.

  • Sunday Service
  • Bible Study: "Bibles & Brekkie"
  • Music Ministries
  • Nursery & Children's Church (Christian Development Ministry)
  • Coffee & Conversation
  • Worship Team (Greeters, Readers, Ushers, AV, Celebration Guild and more)
  • Other Sunday Happenings
    • Women's Intergenerational Group (WIG)
    • Concerts Series
    • Labyrinth Walk
Look to our Programs & Ministries page for more! 

Worship Ministry Team

From AV projection to celebration guild banners, the Worship Ministry team organizes the aspects of Sunday worship to seamlessly work together. Greeters, Readers, Ushers and more!
Back to Sunday Programs
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