A warm welcome to all joining us for this service! This week we meditate on the theme of
World Food Day, thinking about food sovereignty the world over.
Our Minister, the Rev. Teresa Burnett-Cole will lead us in worship and prayer. The scripture is from Matthew 13:1-9, read by Pam Fitch. James Caswell, Minister of Music, will be joined by choir members, Elizabeth Elton, Zoë Fortier, Karen Walker and Pam Fitch to lead us in music and song.
CLICK HERE for the livestream on YouTube at around 10:20 am
(announcements) for the 10:30 am Sunday service; after the service you will be able to view a recording on YouTube by clicking the same link or by viewing in the video player below. Please consider 'subscribing' to the GSJ YouTube channel and use the 'notification' (the 'bell' symbol on the GSJ YouTube channel) to be notified when we go live. If, for any reason, the webcast is interrupted you should still be able to connect by
looking for the red 'live' thumb-nail image.
After services, join us for a zoom coffee hour at 1:00 pm for a chance to meet and greet and touch bases. Remember that the zoom login information is new this fall! The link is listed at the end of the service bulletin, or in the what's happening section of the website.