News from the Glebe St James ReconciliAction Working Group
We are all on the road to truth, and through truth, to reconciliation, together.
The ReconciliAction Working Group (RWG) is kicking off its Fall agenda by examining land acknowledgement statements. We want the land acknowledgment in our worship services to continue to be authentic, relevant, and ever green. We want to use this in an intentional way to provide meaningful and thankful acknowledgment to the Algonquin Peoples whose land we occupy. The RWG will be examining how to move beyond acknowledging the past wrongs to what actions we might take to walk with respect and in partnership with Indigenous people, so we can follow a path of right relations.
Join us in our learning journey about land acknowledgements:
Here is the first of a series of three short (and blunt) videos from an indigenous woman, Sandi Boucher, about land acknowledgements. In this first video, Sandi Boucher talks about “Why Do” land acknowledgements. Stay tuned in future e-updates for the other two videos in this provocative series about land acknowledgements.
“Addressing CRAPPY Land Acknowledgements!’:
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Glebe-St. James