A very warm welcome to all joining us for this service for the first Sunday in Lent, March 6, 2022 in which we will also celebrate Communion. We have returned to hybrid worship, with some joining in person in the Sanctuary. As always, however, the livestream (and later the recorded) version of the service will be available through the links below.
Our service this week will be lead by Coordinating Minister, Rev. Teresa Burnett Cole. The service will focus on the temptation of Jesus as he fasted in the desert for 40 days. The scripture passage, Luke 4:1-13, will be read by Hilda Sabadash. James Caswell, Minister of Music, will be joined by choir members Elizabeth Elton, Karen Walker, Jim Louter, Pamela Fitch, Donna Fay Mailhot, Jill Kidd and Brad Munro to lead us in music and song. We will also celebrate Communion so if you are at home, please prepare a suitable beverage and cracker/bread before the service.
Our service bulletin with hymns, texts and announcements is linked here.
Join in on the virtual offering plate for M&S, Outreach & GSJ operational needs! If donating online, you can indicate on the 'paypal' page where you want your gift to be dedicated to.
You can watch the video of the service here on YouTube. Please consider 'subscribing' to the GSJ YouTube channel and use the 'notification' (the 'bell' symbol on the GSJ YouTube channel) to be notified when we go live. If, for any reason, the webcast is interrupted you should still be able to connect by looking for the red 'live' thumb-nail image.
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Glebe-St. James