A warm welcome to visitors joining us from our sister congregations of Southminster United, Fourth Avenue Baptist and St. Giles Presbyterian here in Ottawa, or from whatever time and place has led you to join the congregation of Glebe-St.James in worship this Sunday.
Nancy Huggett, one of GSJ's licensed lay worship leaders will lead us in Worship, with a reflection on singing and of "Making a Joyful Noise"! James Caswell, Minister of Music, will be joined by Julia Barry, Pam Fitch, and Crystal Maitland to help make some joyful noises (that is to say, lead us in music and song!)
Join in on the
virtual offering plate
for M&S, Outreach & GSJ operational needs! If donating online, you can indicate on the 'paypal' page
you want your gift to be dedicated to.
for the livestream on YouTube at around 10:20 am (announcements) for the 10:30 am Sunday service; after the service you will be able to view a recording on YouTube by clicking below.
Join us for a
zoom coffee
hour at 1:00pm for a chance to meet and greet and touch bases. The login information is also listed at the end of the bulletin.