
Social Justice and Outreach 

Loving our neighbors in tangible ways; working to build a society that expresses justice for all.  

The GSJ motto "Reaching - Into Faith, and Out to Others" focuses on both the inward and outward aspects of our faith journey. For the second component, we are called to look beyond ourselves and seek to embody loving our neighbors - walking side-by-side with partners, other churches and community groups.

Projects, Partnerships and More

December 11, 2024
We have made him smile! We have surpassed our goal! Thank you so much!
January 15, 2023
Located at 415 MacLaren St. , Public Foods is a Community Fridge Project is similar to others across the country built on a "Take what you need - leave what you can" principle. With both a refrigerator and a pantry shelf section, perishable foods and pantry staples are both welcome for donation! Read more about the project on their website , donate funds through the GSJ donate button (specify "Public Foods"), or follow along the journey on Social media ( Facebook or Instagram )
By Don Hall May 18, 2022
Refugee Sponsorship @ GSJ
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Working for Social Justice: GSJ activities & continuing education

 Updates & Ways to get Involved ▼


Explore GSJ's continued journey in working to be part of the spiritual and cultural change that grows out of the long-term process of reconciliation with Indigenous communities. 

GSJ's annual land use fee ($2000) is sent to Odawa Native Friendship Centre, in recognition that our church building rests on traditional, unceded lands.

LGBTQ2S+ Full Inclusion

GSJ is committed to being an affirming congregation, working for the full inclusion of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the United Church of Canada and in society. Publicly, Intentionally, Explicitly! 

Check out our 2021 service at GSJ in celebration of Pride!

Supporting Sister Organizations

Gift Cards, OMRA & Refugee Housing

GSJ supports OMRA Shelters Alternatives to help settled refugees manage rental costs in Ottawa through OMRAs grocery card program. Every month, you can buy grocery cards redeemable at Loblaws, Metro, Farmboy or Shoppers Drug Mart. A pay-back by the stores provides rental subsidies to settled refugees. Contact the church office to participate.

Odawa Native Friendship Centre

Odawa Native Friendship Centre is now settled in the Rideau Community Hub (former Rideau High School building) at 815 St. Laurent Boulevard, Ottawa. They also run a drop-in at 510 Rideau St. GSJ is also assisting in a partnership between Odawa and Église Unie St-Marc on Elgin Street, to support renovations towards a location for Odawa's Aboriginal Criminal Courtworker Program.

Check with the Odawa office to see what is currently being collected. Monetary donations can be made through our Donate button, through the church office or through Canada Helps. You can designate part of your weekly offering to be directed towards Odawa, as well!

Land Use Fee

One of the ways that GSJ tries to walk the path to reconciliation is to acknowledge that the land that our church building rests on, as well as the land where many of our congregants live and work is the traditional unceded, unsurrendered territory of the Anishinaabeg. For the last several years, our annual budget includes a land use fee that is sent to Odawa for use in their programing as they best see fit.

News about Odawa is found on their Website, Twitter, or Facebook pages.

Centretown Churches Social Action Committee (CCSAC)

GSJ supports the ministry of CCSAC, bringing 23 downtown inter-denominational churches together in work for social justice, and prayer. CCSAC is a member of Citizens for Public Justice and Multifaith Housing Initiative. Monitor their emerging needs through their website or their facebook page. CCSAC oversees the Centretown Emergency Food Centre. 

Check out their news page!

Centretown Emergency Food Centre

The Centre Emergency Food Centre (CEFC) monthly supplies food for more than 1200 people living in the Centretown area. Colocated with Centre 507 in Centretown United Church, 507 Bank Street, CEFC faces increasing challenges: numbers of clients (including more children), neighborhood changes, rising food prices & reduced donations of funds & food. Fund-raising & support needed!

Financial donations to CEFC (through Canada Helps) to offset additional food costs are appreciated.

Centre 507

Centre 507 provides a drop-in centre, street outreach services, tenant support & life skills training. GSJ members participate in various ways, in addition to the financial support the church provides. Their immediate needs can be monitored through their website and facebook page

Financial donations (through Canada Helps) are preferred during COVID times.

Carlington Community Chaplaincy

For the past 25 years, the Chaplaincy has offered pastoral care in the community setting in the form of counseling, care, encouragement and support to community members of all faiths, as well as those who are not religious. The emphasis is on people living in social housing in the Carlington area, and the Chaplain makes outreach visits to an Ottawa Community Housing-run residence and a post-psychiatric group home.  

Keep your donations of egg cartons and milk bags coming to the church office! Andy and Marilyn will make sure they get to the chaplaincy. Cash donations are ideal at this time, as it allows us to flex where the money goes. However, if the donor wants to designate what they've donated toward the food program, it will absolutely go there. Although cash is preferred, we still gratefully accept any gift card or in-kind food donations (granola bars, juice boxes, apple sauce cups) as well.

You can find the Chaplaincy staff contact on their site. 

6 ways GSJ strives to reach out to others
  1. leading community resistance to violence and hatred
  2. interfaith involvement, supporting each other and learning from each other
  3. providing support for refugees through sponsorship  and financial aid including for rental subsidies
  4. direct involvement with Indigenous Peoples, hearing their stories and acknowledging our use of their unceded land
  5. ongoing alleviation of poverty through grants for initiatives, gifts to food banks, quilts for the needy or just because we love them
  6. spiritual support through our Healing Pathway program, prayer circle and cooperation with Glebe Montessori School.
Stay tuned for information on the Multifaith housing initiative, Refugee updates on families through the FACES organization, stories of Amleset and her extended Eritrean family and more....

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