News from the Glebe St James ReconciliAction Working Group
We are all on the road to truth, and through truth, to reconciliation, together.
Putting the action into reconciliAction, one onesie and one snowsuit at a time.
Thanks to everyone who contributed baby clothing, blankets and other items on Giving Sunday. We packed 10 5kg boxes of baby items for mailing to Northern Beginnings/ One Plane Away in Nunavut. It’s amazing how much can be stuffed into boxes the size of a portable sewing machine! Through your generosity we also raised over $480, which more than covered the cost of the prepaid boxes from Canada Post.
Our plan is to keep sending boxes of clothing and blankets to moms and babies in need in Nunavut. If you have baby clothing (0 to 2years only, suitable for wear in winter months, no logos or holiday-related themes) or baby blankets to donate, please make arrangements to deliver them to Laura Tanner (tannerl at ) or Marisa Romano (mlsromano at
Additional financial contributions will be needed to purchase more mailing boxes and, if possible, send a donation to One Plane Away so they can buy heavier goods. Cheques or e-transfers should be made out to Glebe-St. James United Church, with a note that you would like the funds directed to the WIG project. We’ll keep you updated on our progress.
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Glebe-St. James